Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Worms Are Gross: A Limerick

Worms are disgusting, you know that that's true.
I really hate worms, you should hate them, too.

Worms are fucked up, few things are much worse,
Allow me to show you, or explain in verse:

Tapeworms are foul, they live in your ass,
Eating your shit, which comes out real fast.

Pinworms are nasty, their eggs float on dust specks,
Just think about that, next time you have sex.

Worms can be parasites, they'll make you feel sick,
Some anal worms are removed with a stick.

Some worms have teeth, I mean, like, fuck tons,
Bleeding circles of death, why have just one?

They're creepy fuckers, that is a fact,
Like Satan's dick dipped in sludge, alive in your tract.

I hate worms so much, I hope you see why,
When I hope those cunts drown, perhaps now you'll see why.

But they're still not as gross as frogs.

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